بیوگرافی کوتاه


رزومه آموزشی و پژوهشی

[English CV]

تحصیلات/دوره های دانشگاهی (3)

مقالات ژورنال (7)

مقالات و خلاصه مقالات ارائه شده در همايش ها (10)

پروژه های تحقیقاتی (2)

  • نام و نام خانوادگی
  • آرش اسماعیلی
  • مدرک تحصیلی
  • دکتری
  • درجه علمی
  • استادیار
  • بخش مربوطه
  • گروه مهندسی برق
     رزومه آموزشی و پژوهشی

تحصیلات/دوره های دانشگاهی (3)

1- Ph.D. of Microelectronics ,Urmia University, 2013.

2- MSc. , Microelectronics,Urmia University, 2007.

3- BSc. , Electronics Engineering,Urmia University, 2004.

مقالات ژورنال (7)

1-Hadiseh Babazadeh, Arash Esmaili, 700 MHz–1.4 GHz and 30–70%, Frequency, and Duty-Cycle Locking Loop,IETE Journal of Research, 2024.

2-Arash Esmaili, Hadiseh Bahazadeh, A Foreground Self-calibration Technique for High-Resolution Switched-Current R-2R Digital-to-Analog Converters,Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Springer, 2020, 39.

3-Arash Esmaili, Hadiseh Bahazadeh, A Robust Calibration Method for R-2R Ladder-Based Current-Steering DAC,International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEÜ), Elsevier, 2019, Volume 111.

4-Asghar Babazadeh, Tohid Moradi Khanshan, Arash Esmaili, An improved adaptive DFE structure based on ISI detection,Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2019, 100.

5-Arash Esmaili, Hadiseh Babazadeh, Khayrollah Hadidi, Abdollah Khoei, A Low Power 13Bit 50MS/s Recirculating Pipeline Analog to Digital Converter,Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 2014, Vol. 23, No. 06, 1450090.

6-Hadiseh Babazadeh, Arash Esmaili, Khayrollah Hadidi, Abdollah Khoei, A WIDE-RANGE PROGRAMMABLE PULSE WIDTH CONTROLLER,Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, 2014, Vol. 23, No. 05, 1450075.

7-Arash Esmaili, Hadiseh Babazadeh, Khayrollah Hadidi, Abdollah Khoei, A High-Speed and Mixed-Signal CMOS Fuzzifier,Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, 2006, 15. 659-669.

مقالات و خلاصه مقالات ارائه شده در همايش ها (10)

1-Hadiseh Babazadeh, Arash Esmaili, Khayrollah Hadidi, Abdollah Khoei, Filter Amplitude Locked Loop for Data Receivers,4th National Conference on New Technologies in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2021.

2-Parisa Nabati, Hadiseh Babazadeh, Arash Esmaili, Power Supply Noise Fitting with White and Uniform Noise,3rd International Conference on Technology Development in Electrical Engineering of Iran, 2020.

3-Parya Farajzadeh, Arash Esmaili, Hadiseh Babazadeh, Q-Factor Evaluation of LC-Oscillator with Capacitor Bank,5th international conference on Electrical engineerind and Computer with emphasis on native knowledge, 2018.

4-Arash Esmaili, Hadiseh Babazadeh, Parya Farajzadeh, LC Oscillator with Tunable Active Inductor,5th international conference on Electrical engineerind and Computer with emphasis on native knowledge, 2018.

5-Arash Esmaili, Hadiseh Babazadeh, Ali Ghahremani, A Novel Capacitive Peaking Amplifier for Transmitters,4th National & 2nd International Conference on Applied Research in Electrical, Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering,, 2018.

6-Andisheh Vahedi, Arash Esmaili, Hashem Kalbkhani, Higher-Order Statistics of Stockwell Transform for Epileptic Seizure Detection from EEG Signals,3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2016.

7-Arash Esmaili, Hadiseh Babazadeh, Khayrollah Hadidi, Abdollah Khoei, Bulk driven indirect feedback compensation technique for low-voltage applications,21st Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 2013.

8-Hadiseh Babazadeh, Arash Esmaili, Khayrollah Hadidi, Abdollah Khoei, A Wide-Range Programmable Duty Cycle Corrector DCC,21th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering, 2013.

9-Hadiseh Babazadeh, Arash Esmaili, Khayrollah Hadidi, Abdollah Khoei, A High-Speed and Wide Detectable Frequency Range Phase Detector for DLLs,27th Norchip Conference , Trondheim, Norway, 2009.

10-Arash Esmaili, Hadiseh Babazadeh, Khayrollah Hadidi, Abdollah Khoei, A High-Speed and Mixed-Signal CMOS Fuzzifier,ICEE, 2006.

پروژه های تحقیقاتی (2)

1-آرش اسماعیلی, طراحی و ساخت مدار قرائتگر سنسور شتاب سنج خازنی,مرکز میکروماشین ارومیه, در حال اجرا.

2-آرش اسماعیلی، آبیاری هوشمند،دانشگاه صنعتی ارومیه، 1396.