Reza Fathollahi, Agil Fazeli
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD), India,
Increasing growth in energy demand has already made its importance in the last century. Due to the large contribution of fossil fuels to world energy, it is almost impossible to replace the fossil fuels with other energy resources in the near future. However more no of power plant are placed, where 75% of power is generated by burning coal. According to high energy cost and necessity to reduce it, optimal use of energy and energy consumption management are very important. So the research purpose is analysis of energy and exergy in coal fired plant was carried out, then the initial goals of present research are to assess the plant parameters singly and to determine and measure the coal plant with largest losses for energy and exergy. However, analyses of energy and exergy have been performed for coal plants like boiler, turbine, and condenser and pump majorly. The results reveal that the reduction in the efficiencies of energy and exergy is comparatively tiny. The symmetry among losses of the energy and the exergy for the parameters of the plant separately revealed that the peak of losses of energy (75%) take place in the condenser, so that the peak of losses of exergy (82%) take place in the boiler. So, to obtain major increase in energy efficiency, the condenser and boiler systems required to be changed, that require more techno-economic research.