نام و نام خانوادگی
مدرک تحصیلی |
درجه علمی |
بخش مربوطه
آدرس سایت
| |  تحصیلات/دوره های دانشگاهی (3) |
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| 1- • B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering , Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 2- • M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, Major: Biotechnology, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 3- • PhD of Chemical Engineering:(From Sep. 2010-Sep. 2014), Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
. [جزئیات بیشتر...] |
| | |  مقالات ژورنال (35) |
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| 1-Vahid Mousalou, Elham Jalilnejad*, Reza Rafiee, Kamran Ghasemzadeh, Bahman Jabbari, Modeling and simulation of the continuous adsorption of cadmium (II) ion by Luffa Cylindrica biosorbent using CFD-RSM combined method,Journal of Separation Science and Engineering, 2023, , Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 1-25. [Citation] [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 2-Zahra Sasan Narkesabad , Reza Rafiee & Elham Jalilnejad, Experimental study on evaluation and optimization of heavy metals adsorption on a novel amidoximated silane functionalized Luffa cylindrica,Scientific Reports, 2023. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 3-Amir Hazeri, Mohammad Sirousazar, Farshad Kheiri, Elham Jalilnejad, and Sahel Gozalzadeh, Adsorptive Removal of Methylene Blue Dye from Aqueous Solutions by Polyvinyl Alcohol/Activated Carbon Nanocomposite Hydrogels,Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B, Physics, 2023. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 4-T. Amrabadi, E. Jalilnejad, S.M.A. Ojagh, F. Vahabzadeh, Application of TOPSIS algorithm in describing bacterial cellulose-based composite hydrogel performance in incorporating methylene blue as a model drug,Scientific Reports, 2023. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 5-M. Seiiedhoseiny, K. Ghasemzadeh, E. Jalilnejad, A. Iulianelli, Computational fluid dynamics study on concentration polarization phenomena in silica membrane reactor during methanol steam reforming,Chemical Engineering and Processing- Process Intensification, 2023. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 6-Kamran Ghasemzadeh, Milad Ghahremani, Elham Jalilnejad, Taher Yousefi Amiri and Angelo Basile,, Performance Comparison of Polymeric and Silica-Based Multi-Bed Pervaporation Membrane Reactors during Ethyl Levulinate Production,Membranes, 2022. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 7-Homa Khadivi, Mohammad Sirousazar, Vahid Abbasi‑Chianeh, Elham Jalilnejad, Egg White/Polyvinyl Alcohol/Clay Bionanocomposite Hydrogel Adsorbents for Dye Removal,Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10924-022-02430-4. [Citation] [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 8-Milad ghahremani, Kamran ghasemzadeh, Elham Jalilnejad, Modeling and Simulation of pervaporation membrane reactor during levulinic acid esterification process with ethanol to produce ethyl levulinate: computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis,Journal of Modeling in Engineering, 2021. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 9-Bahman Jabbari, Elham Jalilnejad, Kamran Ghasemzadeh, Adolfo Iulianelli, Modeling and optimization of a membrane gas separation based bioreactor plant for biohydrogen production by CFD–RSM combined method,Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2021, Vol. 43. [Citation] [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 10-Milad Ghahremani , Kamran Ghasemzadeh, Elham Jalilnejad and Adolfo Iulianelli, A Theoretical Analysis on a Multi-Bed Pervaporation Membrane Reactor during Levulinic Acid Esterification Using the Computational Fluid Dynamic Method,Membranes, 2021, Vol. 11, p. 635. [Citation] [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 11- M. Ghahremani, K. Ghasemzadeh, E. Jalilnejad, A. Basile, A. Iulianelli, “Vapor phase esterification of acetic acid with ethanol in a CHA zeolite membrane reactor: a CFD analysis” Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 236, pp…., 2021.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 12- H. Faraji , A. Habibi , E. Jalilnejad, “CFD Modeling of Hydrocarbon-Air System Hydrodynamics in Three Types of Column Reactors” Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, IAChE, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 47-64, 2020.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 13- Reza Salehpour, Elham Jalilnejad, Mehran Nalband, Kamran Ghasemzadeh, “Numerical Evaluation of Hydrodynamic Behavior of an Airlift Reactor with Net Draft Tube with Different Configurations Using CFD Technique” Particuology, Vol. 52, pp. 91-108, 2020.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 14- Mehran Nalband, Elham Jalilnejad, “3D CFD Simulation of Gas Hold-up and Mass Transfer in a Modified Airlift Reactor with Net Draft Tube”, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering. Vol. 17, Issue 12, 2019. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 15- Bahman Jabbari, Elham Jalilnejad, Kamran Ghasemzadeh and Adolfo Iulianelli “Recent Progresses in Application of Membrane Bioreactors in Production of Biohydrogen”, Membranes, Vol. 9(8): 100, doi: 10.3390/membranes9080100, 2019. . [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 16- E. Jalilnejad, S. M. Hoseini, M. Nalband “Modeling of microbial growth of Ralstonia eutropha in biodegradation process of phenol in an airlift bioreactor with concentric net draft” Journal of Separation Science and Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 64-75 , 2019. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 17- M. Alizadeh, E. Jalilnejad, R. Rafiee “Application of Hydrogels in Adsorptive Removal of Aqueous Pollutants” Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 31 (6), pp 499-518., 2019, DOI: 10.22063/JIPST.2019.1622. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 18- A. Habibi, M. Nalband, E. Jalilnejad “Experimentation and CFD modeling of continuous degradation of formaldehyde by immobilized Ralstonia eutropha in a semi-pilotscale plug flow bioreactor” Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, Vol. 42, Issue 3, pp. 485-497, 2019. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 19- E. Jalilnejad, M. Alizadeh, S. Fakhraddin fakhriazar “Application of Biological Methods in Decolorization of Azo Dye Containing Wastewaters, Journal of Studies in Color World, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 27-40, 2018. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 20- A. Baharlouei, E. Jalilnejad, M. Sirousazar “Fixed-bed column performance of methylene blue biosorption by Luffa cylindrica: statistical and mathematical modeling, Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 205 (11), pp. 1-18, 2018, DOI:10.1080/00986445.2018.1460364. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 21- A. Amani, E. Jalilnejad, M. Sirousazar “Biodegradation of Olive Oil Mill Wastewater using Ralstonia eutropha in an Airlift Bioreactor with Internal Net Draft Tube” Journal of Water and Wastewater, 29 (4), 75-86, 2018. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 22- Matteo Daghio, Anna Espinoza Tofalos, Barbara Leoni, Pierangela Cristiani, Maddalena Papacchini, Elham Jalilnejad, Giuseppina Bestetti, Andrea Franzetti, “Bioelectrochemical BTEX removal at different voltages: assessment of the degradation and characterization of the microbial communities”, Journal of Hazardous Materials 341 (2018) 120–127. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 23- Mehran Nalband, E. Jalilnejad, “Coupled Transient CFD-Inhibition Kinetics Modeling of Naphthalene Biodegradation in an Airlift Reactor with Net Draft Tube”, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, https://doi.org/10.1080/10406638.2017.1420668, Article In Press.
. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 24- Amani, E. Jalilnejad, S. M. Mousavi “Simulation of Phenol Biodegradation by Ralstonia eutropha in a Packed-bed Bioreactor with Batch Recycle Mode using CFD Technique”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Volume 59, pp. 310-319, 2018. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 25- Y. C. Sharma, E. Jalilnejad, S. Yarusova, “Investigation of Adsorption Characteristics of an Engineered Adsorbent for Removal of Hexavalent Chromium from Aqueous Solutions”, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 8, No. 3, 2017.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 26- A. Baharlouei, E. Jalilnejad, M. Sirousazar, “Investigation of the adsorption efficiency of methylene blue on Iranian Luffa Cylindrica: Effects of temperature and pH”, Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2016.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 27- S. Lakayan, A. Baharlouei, E. Jalilnejad, “Application of Agricultural Wastes as Natural Adsorbent for Removal of Industrial Dyes” Journal of Studies in Color World, 2017.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 28- A. Amani, E. Jalilnejad, “CFD modeling of formaldehyde biodegradation in an immobilized cell bioreactor with disc-shaped Kissiris support”, Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 122, pp 47-59, 2017. . [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 29- S. Ranjbar, H. Khesali, E. Jalilnejad, F. Vahabzadeh, “Application of an airlift reactor with net draft tube in phenol bio-oxidation using Ralstonia eutropha”, Desalination and Water Treatment, pp 1-13, 2016. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 30- A. Shahidi, N. Jalilnejad, E. Jalilnejad, “A study on adsorption of cadmium(II) ions from aqueous solution using Luffa cylindrica”, Desalination and Water Treatment, pp 1-10, 2013. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 31- M. Heibati, E. Jalilnejad, F. Vahabzadeh, “Photocatalytic Degradation of p-nitrophenol in a batch annular column photoreactor: intermediates involvement”, Water Environment Research, Vol. 87, pp. 437-443.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 32- E. Jalilnejad, F. Vahabzadeh, “Use of a packed-bed airlift reactor with net draft tube to study kinetics of naphthalene degradation by Ralstonia eutropha”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 21, 4592-4604, 2014. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 33- E. Jalilnejad, F. Vahabzadeh, “Use of Statistically-Based Design of Experiment to Study Olive-Oil Mill Wastewater Biodegradation by Ralstonia Eutropha, Internationa Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, Vol. 4, No. 5, 271-277, October 2013. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 34- E. Jalilnejad, F. Vahabzadeh, “Models for the Biodegradation Kinetics of Naphthalene by Ralstonia eutropha” , Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, Vol 33, 451-466, 2013. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 35- E. Jalilnejad, A. Mogharei, F. Vahabzadeh, “Aerobic pretreatment of olive oil mill wastewater using Ralstonia eutropha”, Journal of Environmental Technology Vol.32, No.10, 1085-1093, July 2011.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] |
| | |  مقالات و خلاصه مقالات ارائه شده در همايش ها (35) |
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| 1-Sara Etminan, Reza Rafiee, Elham Jalilnejad , Effects of thiourethane on the properties of methacrylate polymer composites,The 8th international conference on chemical and petroleum engineering, 1401-3-26. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 2-Khadijeh rezazadeh, Elham jalilneghad, Reza Rafiee, A brief review study on the effect of different fillers on the properties of polymethyl methacrylate composites,The 8th international conference on chemical and petroleum engineering, 1401-3-26. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 3-سمیه هندویی، آرش افغان، الهام جلیل نژاد، سنتز نانوکامپوزیت بر پایه اینولین: سنتز، شناسایی و کاربرد برای حذف آلاینده متیلن بلو،کنفرانس ملی مهندسی شیمی و نانوفناوری، 1399. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 4-عاطفه کوهستان پناه، محمد قدیری، الهام جلیل نژاد، سنتز و شناسایی نانوکاتالیستهای زئولیتی فری سیلیکات با ساختار ZSM-5 جهت حذف آلاینده فنول با روش فرایند اکسیداسیون پیشرفته فنتون: بهینه سازی با روش طراحی آزمایش،دومین کنفرانس بین المللی تکنولوژیهای جدید در صنایع نفت، گاز، و پتروشیمی، 1399. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 5- زیست نانوکامپوزیت بر پایه اینولین: سنتز،شناسایی و کاربرد برای حذف آلاینده متیلن آبی، کنفرانس ملی مهندسی شیمی و نانوفناوری، دی ماه 1399، دانشگاه صنعتی جندی شاپور. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 6- “Graft copolymerization of acrylonitrile onto wheat straw cellulose by silane coupling agent”, The 11th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2020), Fouman, Iran, 28- 30 October, 2020.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 7- “Grafting of Polyacrylonitrile onto Luffa Cylindrica via in-situ Polymerization”, The 11th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2020), Fouman, Iran, 28- 30 October, 2020. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 8- تاثیر پارامترهای سنتزی بر ظرفیت جذب فلزات سنگین از محلولهای آبی توسط جاذب آمیداکسیمی نانوسیلیکا، ششمین کنفرانس بین المللی شیمی و مهندسی شیمی، تهران، بهمن 1398. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 9- “Theoretical evaluation of silica MR performance during MSR reaction by CFD method”, The 16th Iranian national congress of chemical engineering, Jan. 2019. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 10- سنتز کربن فعال حاصل از پوست میوه بلوط به روش فعال سازی شیمیایی با KOH و بررسی ویژگیهای آن، چهارمین کنفرانس شیمی کاربردی ایران، مرداد 98. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 11- “CFD Simulation of Olive Oil Mill Wastewater Biodegradation in a Luffa Packed-bed Bioreactor The 10th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2018), Isfahan, Iran, 6-10 May, 2018. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 12- “Evaluation of the swelling capacity of Luffa cylindrica as an effective adsorption parameter in different pHs” The 10th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2018), Isfahan, Iran, 6-10 May, 2018. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 13- “CFD based model to evaluate silica membrane reactor performance in hydrogen production” 5th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 2 Feb. 2018, Tehran, Iran. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 14- “Evaluation of Airlift Reactor with Net Draft Tube and Its Applications in Bioprocesses”, 5th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 2 Feb. 2018, Tehran, Iran. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 15- “Application of Membranes in Separation of Hydrogen Produced in Microbial Electrolysis Cells”, 4th Interlnational Conference on Applied Research in Chemistry Science and Biology, October, 2017. Tehran, Iran.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 16- “CFD simulation of gas hold-up as an important hydrodynamic parameter in an airlift reactor with net draft tube”, 4th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 14 July, 2017, Tehran, Iran.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 17- “Evaluation of Isotherms of Adsorption of Heavy metals onto Luffa Cylindrica”, 4th National Conference of Science and Separation Engineering”, 24-25 May, 2017, Babol, Iran.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 18- “Application of Diffusion Model for Biosorption of Methylene Blue on Luffa Cylindrica”, 3rd International Conference on New Researche Achievements in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sep. 2016, Tehran, Iran.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 19- “Effect of Bacterial Adaptation on Performance of Ralstonia eutropha in Olive Oil mill Wastewater Degradation”, 3rd International Conference on New Research Achievements in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sep. 2016, Tehran, Iran.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 20- “A mini review on Hydrodynamics of Airlift Bioreactors with Net Draft Tube and Their Application in Pollutant Biodegradation”, 2nd International Conference on New Research Achievements in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, May 2016, Tehran, Iran.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 21- “Effect of pH on biosorption of methylene blue by Iranian Luffa Cylindrica”, National Conference on Environment protection, April 2016, Tehran, Iran.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 22- “Biodegradation potential of MTBE and BTEX under single and dual substrate conditions using Pontibacter PC12”, 9th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition, 26-28 Dec., 2015. Shiraz, Iran.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 23- “Biofilm formation role in phenol degradation enhancement in microbial electrolysis cell”, 9th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition, 26-28 Dec., 2015. Shiraz, Iran.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 24- “Modeling of growth kinetics for phenol degradation by Ralstonia eutropha in an airlift reactor with the net draft tube”, 1st International and 9th National Biotechnology Congress of Islamic Republic of Iran, 24-26 May 2015, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 25- “Advection-dispersion modeling of pollutants (Cadmium) in river”, 1st Water Science and Engineering Conference, 28 Feb.-1March, 2015, Shahid Beheshti Conference Center, Tehran, Iran.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 26- “Packed-bed column studies on adsorption of cadmium(II) ions from aqueous solution using Luffa cylindrical”, The International Conference on Water, Energy and Environment (ICWEE), 21-24 September, 2013, Kusadasi, Turkey.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 27- “Behavior of the growing cells of Ralstonia eutropha in biodesulfurization of dibenzothiophene”, 5th Process Engineering Conference, 28-30 May, Tehran, Iran.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 28- “An airlift reactor with net draft tube for phenol biodegradation using Ralstonia eutropha” 15th Iranian National Congress of Chemical Engineering (15th ICHEC), 17-19 Feb. 2015, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 29- “Phenol degradation in a single chamber microbial electrolysis cell” 15th Iranian National Congress of Chemical Engineering (15th ICHEC), 17-19 Feb. 2015, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 30- “Removal of cadmium(II) ions from aqueous solution using Luffa cylindrica” 1st Symposium of Environment, Enregy and Clean Industry, 2-3 Dec. 2013, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 31- Use of Haldane equation for naphthalene degradation by Ralstonia eutropha, 3rd National Conference of Fuel, Energy & Environment (NCFEE 2013), 17-18 Sep. 2013, Tehran, Iran.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 32- Use of Haldane equation for naphthalene degradation by Ralstonia eutropha, 3rd International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation- ICEPR, July 15-17, 2013, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 33- Use of Statistically-Based Design of Experiment to Study Olive-Oil Mill Wastewater Biodegradation by RalstoniaEutropha, 4th International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applications-CCEA 2013, October 12-13, 2013, Paris, France.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 34- Biodegradation of olive oil mill wastewater by Ralstoniaeutropha, 4thFEMS (Federation of European Microbiologists Society) Congress, June 2011, Geneva, Switzerland. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 35- Biodegradation of olive oil mill wastewater by Ralstonia eutropha PTCC 1615, First International Conference on "Advances in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse", Summer 2009, Tehran, Iran.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] |
| | |  کتاب های چاپ شده (18) |
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| 1-Elham Jalilnejad, Mehran Alizadeh, Bahman Jabbari, , "Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes: Ion-exchange membranes in microbial fuel cell systems ,Elsevier, 2024. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 2-Elham Jalilnejad, Bahman Jabbari, Kamran Ghasemzadeh, Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes: "Application of computational fluid dynamics technique in membrane bioreactor systems",Elsevier, 2022. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 3- M. Sirousazar, E. Roufegari-Nejhad, E. Jalilnejad, “Hydrogels and Nanocomposite Hydrogels for Removal of Dyes and Heavy Metal Ions from Wastewaters” , Biodegradation, Pollutants and Bioremediation Principles, Taylor and Francis. . [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 4- R.Zeynali, K.Ghasemzadeh, E. Jalilnejad, A.Basile, “Achievements in high pressure membrane processes NF and RO for waste and water treatment”, Recent achievements in waste and water treatment, Elsevier. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 5- R.Zeynali, K.Ghasemzadeh, E. Jalilnejad, A.Basile “Economic evaluation of waste and water treatment technologies”, Recent achievements in waste and water treatment, Elsevier. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 6- Elham Jalilnejad, Parisa Sadeghpour, Kamran Ghasemzadeh “Achievements in membrane bioreactors for waste and water treatment”, Recent achievements in waste and water treatment, Elsevier. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 7- Parisa Sadeghpour, Elham Jalilnejad, Kamran Ghasemzadeh, “Achievements in ultraviolet irradiation and in advanced oxidation technologies for waste and water treatment”, Recent achievements in waste and water treatment, Elsevier. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 8- K. Ghasemzadeh , E. Jalilnejad, “A comparative evaluation of ceramic MBRs”, Ceramic Membrane Bioreactors- Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio) Membranes, Elsevier. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 9- E. Jalilnejad, P. Sadeghpour, K. Ghasemzadeh, “Advances in MBR technology”, Ceramic Membrane Bioreactors- Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes, Elsevier. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 10- E. Jalilnejad, K. Ghasemzadeh, S.M. Sadati “H2 production technologies from ethanol”, Ethanol- science and Engineering, 2019, Pages 307-340.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 11- E. Jalilnejad, K. Ghasemzadeh "Ethanol for food or transportation: a kind of competition”, Ethanol- science and Engineering, 2019, Pages 103-129.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 12- K. Ghasemzadeh, E. Jalilnejad, A. Basile, “Production of bioalcohol and biomethane, Bioenergy – A technology prospect forward the future”, F. Dalena, A. Basile, C. Rossi (Eds), Woodhead, Elsevier, 2017, Pages 61–86. . [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 13- “Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes”, A. Basile, K. Ghasemzadeh, E. Jalilnejad, Elsevier, 2019, ISBN: 9780128168226. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 14- Translation of “Bioreactor Design Fundamentals”, Norton G. McDuffie, Amirkabir University Pub., M. Hajar , F. Vahabzadeh, E. Jalilnejad.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 15- “Solutions of English for Chemical Engineers”, Kian Pub, 2014, E. Jalilnejad, P. Emrani.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 16- “Solutions of English for students of Chemistry”, Kian Pub, 2014, H. Mohamad Aliha, E. Jalilnejad. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 17- Translation of “NanoEnergy: Nanotechnology Applied for Energy Production”, F.L. de Souza, E. R. Leite, Amirkabir University Pub., F. Vahabzadeh, E. Jalilnejad.. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 18- Translation of “Bioseperation” Belter, Published Nov. 2011, Dr. F. Zokaie, E. Jalilnejad, Kian Pub. . [جزئیات بیشتر...] |
| | |  اختراع ها و امتیازهای معنوی (2) |
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| 1- A packed-bed reactor with Luffah-immobilized Ralstonia eutropha for biodegradation of phenolic compounds, Patent No. 85480. [جزئیات بیشتر...] | |
| 2- Biodegradation of aromatic compounds in an airlift reactor with net draft tube, Patent No.:84868. [جزئیات بیشتر...] |
| | |  دروس تدریس شده (10) |
| | | |  مهارت ها (4) |
| | | |  زبان (4) |
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نام و نام خانوادگی
الهام جلیل نژاد
بخش مربوطه
گروه مهندسی شیمی
رزومه آموزشی و پژوهشی
| |  تحصیلات/دوره های دانشگاهی (3) |
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| 1- • B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering , Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
. | |
| 2- • M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, Major: Biotechnology, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
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| 3- • PhD of Chemical Engineering:(From Sep. 2010-Sep. 2014), Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
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| | |  مقالات ژورنال (35) |
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| 1-Vahid Mousalou, Elham Jalilnejad*, Reza Rafiee, Kamran Ghasemzadeh, Bahman Jabbari, Modeling and simulation of the continuous adsorption of cadmium (II) ion by Luffa Cylindrica biosorbent using CFD-RSM combined method,Journal of Separation Science and Engineering, 2023, , Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 1-25. | |
| 2-Zahra Sasan Narkesabad , Reza Rafiee & Elham Jalilnejad, Experimental study on evaluation and optimization of heavy metals adsorption on a novel amidoximated silane functionalized Luffa cylindrica,Scientific Reports, 2023. | |
| 3-Amir Hazeri, Mohammad Sirousazar, Farshad Kheiri, Elham Jalilnejad, and Sahel Gozalzadeh, Adsorptive Removal of Methylene Blue Dye from Aqueous Solutions by Polyvinyl Alcohol/Activated Carbon Nanocomposite Hydrogels,Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B, Physics, 2023. | |
| 4-T. Amrabadi, E. Jalilnejad, S.M.A. Ojagh, F. Vahabzadeh, Application of TOPSIS algorithm in describing bacterial cellulose-based composite hydrogel performance in incorporating methylene blue as a model drug,Scientific Reports, 2023. | |
| 5-M. Seiiedhoseiny, K. Ghasemzadeh, E. Jalilnejad, A. Iulianelli, Computational fluid dynamics study on concentration polarization phenomena in silica membrane reactor during methanol steam reforming,Chemical Engineering and Processing- Process Intensification, 2023. | |
| 6-Kamran Ghasemzadeh, Milad Ghahremani, Elham Jalilnejad, Taher Yousefi Amiri and Angelo Basile,, Performance Comparison of Polymeric and Silica-Based Multi-Bed Pervaporation Membrane Reactors during Ethyl Levulinate Production,Membranes, 2022. | |
| 7-Homa Khadivi, Mohammad Sirousazar, Vahid Abbasi‑Chianeh, Elham Jalilnejad, Egg White/Polyvinyl Alcohol/Clay Bionanocomposite Hydrogel Adsorbents for Dye Removal,Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10924-022-02430-4. | |
| 8-Milad ghahremani, Kamran ghasemzadeh, Elham Jalilnejad, Modeling and Simulation of pervaporation membrane reactor during levulinic acid esterification process with ethanol to produce ethyl levulinate: computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis,Journal of Modeling in Engineering, 2021. | |
| 9-Bahman Jabbari, Elham Jalilnejad, Kamran Ghasemzadeh, Adolfo Iulianelli, Modeling and optimization of a membrane gas separation based bioreactor plant for biohydrogen production by CFD–RSM combined method,Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2021, Vol. 43. | |
| 10-Milad Ghahremani , Kamran Ghasemzadeh, Elham Jalilnejad and Adolfo Iulianelli, A Theoretical Analysis on a Multi-Bed Pervaporation Membrane Reactor during Levulinic Acid Esterification Using the Computational Fluid Dynamic Method,Membranes, 2021, Vol. 11, p. 635. | |
| 11- M. Ghahremani, K. Ghasemzadeh, E. Jalilnejad, A. Basile, A. Iulianelli, “Vapor phase esterification of acetic acid with ethanol in a CHA zeolite membrane reactor: a CFD analysis” Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 236, pp…., 2021.. | |
| 12- H. Faraji , A. Habibi , E. Jalilnejad, “CFD Modeling of Hydrocarbon-Air System Hydrodynamics in Three Types of Column Reactors” Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, IAChE, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 47-64, 2020.. | |
| 13- Reza Salehpour, Elham Jalilnejad, Mehran Nalband, Kamran Ghasemzadeh, “Numerical Evaluation of Hydrodynamic Behavior of an Airlift Reactor with Net Draft Tube with Different Configurations Using CFD Technique” Particuology, Vol. 52, pp. 91-108, 2020.. | |
| 14- Mehran Nalband, Elham Jalilnejad, “3D CFD Simulation of Gas Hold-up and Mass Transfer in a Modified Airlift Reactor with Net Draft Tube”, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering. Vol. 17, Issue 12, 2019. | |
| 15- Bahman Jabbari, Elham Jalilnejad, Kamran Ghasemzadeh and Adolfo Iulianelli “Recent Progresses in Application of Membrane Bioreactors in Production of Biohydrogen”, Membranes, Vol. 9(8): 100, doi: 10.3390/membranes9080100, 2019. . | |
| 16- E. Jalilnejad, S. M. Hoseini, M. Nalband “Modeling of microbial growth of Ralstonia eutropha in biodegradation process of phenol in an airlift bioreactor with concentric net draft” Journal of Separation Science and Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 64-75 , 2019. | |
| 17- M. Alizadeh, E. Jalilnejad, R. Rafiee “Application of Hydrogels in Adsorptive Removal of Aqueous Pollutants” Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 31 (6), pp 499-518., 2019, DOI: 10.22063/JIPST.2019.1622. | |
| 18- A. Habibi, M. Nalband, E. Jalilnejad “Experimentation and CFD modeling of continuous degradation of formaldehyde by immobilized Ralstonia eutropha in a semi-pilotscale plug flow bioreactor” Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, Vol. 42, Issue 3, pp. 485-497, 2019. | |
| 19- E. Jalilnejad, M. Alizadeh, S. Fakhraddin fakhriazar “Application of Biological Methods in Decolorization of Azo Dye Containing Wastewaters, Journal of Studies in Color World, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 27-40, 2018. | |
| 20- A. Baharlouei, E. Jalilnejad, M. Sirousazar “Fixed-bed column performance of methylene blue biosorption by Luffa cylindrica: statistical and mathematical modeling, Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 205 (11), pp. 1-18, 2018, DOI:10.1080/00986445.2018.1460364. | |
| 21- A. Amani, E. Jalilnejad, M. Sirousazar “Biodegradation of Olive Oil Mill Wastewater using Ralstonia eutropha in an Airlift Bioreactor with Internal Net Draft Tube” Journal of Water and Wastewater, 29 (4), 75-86, 2018. | |
| 22- Matteo Daghio, Anna Espinoza Tofalos, Barbara Leoni, Pierangela Cristiani, Maddalena Papacchini, Elham Jalilnejad, Giuseppina Bestetti, Andrea Franzetti, “Bioelectrochemical BTEX removal at different voltages: assessment of the degradation and characterization of the microbial communities”, Journal of Hazardous Materials 341 (2018) 120–127. | |
| 23- Mehran Nalband, E. Jalilnejad, “Coupled Transient CFD-Inhibition Kinetics Modeling of Naphthalene Biodegradation in an Airlift Reactor with Net Draft Tube”, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, https://doi.org/10.1080/10406638.2017.1420668, Article In Press.
. | |
| 24- Amani, E. Jalilnejad, S. M. Mousavi “Simulation of Phenol Biodegradation by Ralstonia eutropha in a Packed-bed Bioreactor with Batch Recycle Mode using CFD Technique”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Volume 59, pp. 310-319, 2018. | |
| 25- Y. C. Sharma, E. Jalilnejad, S. Yarusova, “Investigation of Adsorption Characteristics of an Engineered Adsorbent for Removal of Hexavalent Chromium from Aqueous Solutions”, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 8, No. 3, 2017.. | |
| 26- A. Baharlouei, E. Jalilnejad, M. Sirousazar, “Investigation of the adsorption efficiency of methylene blue on Iranian Luffa Cylindrica: Effects of temperature and pH”, Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2016.. | |
| 27- S. Lakayan, A. Baharlouei, E. Jalilnejad, “Application of Agricultural Wastes as Natural Adsorbent for Removal of Industrial Dyes” Journal of Studies in Color World, 2017.. | |
| 28- A. Amani, E. Jalilnejad, “CFD modeling of formaldehyde biodegradation in an immobilized cell bioreactor with disc-shaped Kissiris support”, Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 122, pp 47-59, 2017. . | |
| 29- S. Ranjbar, H. Khesali, E. Jalilnejad, F. Vahabzadeh, “Application of an airlift reactor with net draft tube in phenol bio-oxidation using Ralstonia eutropha”, Desalination and Water Treatment, pp 1-13, 2016. | |
| 30- A. Shahidi, N. Jalilnejad, E. Jalilnejad, “A study on adsorption of cadmium(II) ions from aqueous solution using Luffa cylindrica”, Desalination and Water Treatment, pp 1-10, 2013. | |
| 31- M. Heibati, E. Jalilnejad, F. Vahabzadeh, “Photocatalytic Degradation of p-nitrophenol in a batch annular column photoreactor: intermediates involvement”, Water Environment Research, Vol. 87, pp. 437-443.. | |
| 32- E. Jalilnejad, F. Vahabzadeh, “Use of a packed-bed airlift reactor with net draft tube to study kinetics of naphthalene degradation by Ralstonia eutropha”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 21, 4592-4604, 2014. | |
| 33- E. Jalilnejad, F. Vahabzadeh, “Use of Statistically-Based Design of Experiment to Study Olive-Oil Mill Wastewater Biodegradation by Ralstonia Eutropha, Internationa Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, Vol. 4, No. 5, 271-277, October 2013. | |
| 34- E. Jalilnejad, F. Vahabzadeh, “Models for the Biodegradation Kinetics of Naphthalene by Ralstonia eutropha” , Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, Vol 33, 451-466, 2013. | |
| 35- E. Jalilnejad, A. Mogharei, F. Vahabzadeh, “Aerobic pretreatment of olive oil mill wastewater using Ralstonia eutropha”, Journal of Environmental Technology Vol.32, No.10, 1085-1093, July 2011.. |
| | |  مقالات و خلاصه مقالات ارائه شده در همايش ها (35) |
| |
| 1-Sara Etminan, Reza Rafiee, Elham Jalilnejad , Effects of thiourethane on the properties of methacrylate polymer composites,The 8th international conference on chemical and petroleum engineering, 1401-3-26. | |
| 2-Khadijeh rezazadeh, Elham jalilneghad, Reza Rafiee, A brief review study on the effect of different fillers on the properties of polymethyl methacrylate composites,The 8th international conference on chemical and petroleum engineering, 1401-3-26. | |
| 3-سمیه هندویی، آرش افغان، الهام جلیل نژاد، سنتز نانوکامپوزیت بر پایه اینولین: سنتز، شناسایی و کاربرد برای حذف آلاینده متیلن بلو،کنفرانس ملی مهندسی شیمی و نانوفناوری، 1399. | |
| 4-عاطفه کوهستان پناه، محمد قدیری، الهام جلیل نژاد، سنتز و شناسایی نانوکاتالیستهای زئولیتی فری سیلیکات با ساختار ZSM-5 جهت حذف آلاینده فنول با روش فرایند اکسیداسیون پیشرفته فنتون: بهینه سازی با روش طراحی آزمایش،دومین کنفرانس بین المللی تکنولوژیهای جدید در صنایع نفت، گاز، و پتروشیمی، 1399. | |
| 5- زیست نانوکامپوزیت بر پایه اینولین: سنتز،شناسایی و کاربرد برای حذف آلاینده متیلن آبی، کنفرانس ملی مهندسی شیمی و نانوفناوری، دی ماه 1399، دانشگاه صنعتی جندی شاپور. | |
| 6- “Graft copolymerization of acrylonitrile onto wheat straw cellulose by silane coupling agent”, The 11th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2020), Fouman, Iran, 28- 30 October, 2020.. | |
| 7- “Grafting of Polyacrylonitrile onto Luffa Cylindrica via in-situ Polymerization”, The 11th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2020), Fouman, Iran, 28- 30 October, 2020. | |
| 8- تاثیر پارامترهای سنتزی بر ظرفیت جذب فلزات سنگین از محلولهای آبی توسط جاذب آمیداکسیمی نانوسیلیکا، ششمین کنفرانس بین المللی شیمی و مهندسی شیمی، تهران، بهمن 1398. | |
| 9- “Theoretical evaluation of silica MR performance during MSR reaction by CFD method”, The 16th Iranian national congress of chemical engineering, Jan. 2019. | |
| 10- سنتز کربن فعال حاصل از پوست میوه بلوط به روش فعال سازی شیمیایی با KOH و بررسی ویژگیهای آن، چهارمین کنفرانس شیمی کاربردی ایران، مرداد 98. | |
| 11- “CFD Simulation of Olive Oil Mill Wastewater Biodegradation in a Luffa Packed-bed Bioreactor The 10th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2018), Isfahan, Iran, 6-10 May, 2018. | |
| 12- “Evaluation of the swelling capacity of Luffa cylindrica as an effective adsorption parameter in different pHs” The 10th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2018), Isfahan, Iran, 6-10 May, 2018. | |
| 13- “CFD based model to evaluate silica membrane reactor performance in hydrogen production” 5th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 2 Feb. 2018, Tehran, Iran. | |
| 14- “Evaluation of Airlift Reactor with Net Draft Tube and Its Applications in Bioprocesses”, 5th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 2 Feb. 2018, Tehran, Iran. | |
| 15- “Application of Membranes in Separation of Hydrogen Produced in Microbial Electrolysis Cells”, 4th Interlnational Conference on Applied Research in Chemistry Science and Biology, October, 2017. Tehran, Iran.. | |
| 16- “CFD simulation of gas hold-up as an important hydrodynamic parameter in an airlift reactor with net draft tube”, 4th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 14 July, 2017, Tehran, Iran.. | |
| 17- “Evaluation of Isotherms of Adsorption of Heavy metals onto Luffa Cylindrica”, 4th National Conference of Science and Separation Engineering”, 24-25 May, 2017, Babol, Iran.. | |
| 18- “Application of Diffusion Model for Biosorption of Methylene Blue on Luffa Cylindrica”, 3rd International Conference on New Researche Achievements in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sep. 2016, Tehran, Iran.. | |
| 19- “Effect of Bacterial Adaptation on Performance of Ralstonia eutropha in Olive Oil mill Wastewater Degradation”, 3rd International Conference on New Research Achievements in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sep. 2016, Tehran, Iran.. | |
| 20- “A mini review on Hydrodynamics of Airlift Bioreactors with Net Draft Tube and Their Application in Pollutant Biodegradation”, 2nd International Conference on New Research Achievements in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, May 2016, Tehran, Iran.. | |
| 21- “Effect of pH on biosorption of methylene blue by Iranian Luffa Cylindrica”, National Conference on Environment protection, April 2016, Tehran, Iran.. | |
| 22- “Biodegradation potential of MTBE and BTEX under single and dual substrate conditions using Pontibacter PC12”, 9th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition, 26-28 Dec., 2015. Shiraz, Iran.. | |
| 23- “Biofilm formation role in phenol degradation enhancement in microbial electrolysis cell”, 9th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition, 26-28 Dec., 2015. Shiraz, Iran.. | |
| 24- “Modeling of growth kinetics for phenol degradation by Ralstonia eutropha in an airlift reactor with the net draft tube”, 1st International and 9th National Biotechnology Congress of Islamic Republic of Iran, 24-26 May 2015, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.. | |
| 25- “Advection-dispersion modeling of pollutants (Cadmium) in river”, 1st Water Science and Engineering Conference, 28 Feb.-1March, 2015, Shahid Beheshti Conference Center, Tehran, Iran.. | |
| 26- “Packed-bed column studies on adsorption of cadmium(II) ions from aqueous solution using Luffa cylindrical”, The International Conference on Water, Energy and Environment (ICWEE), 21-24 September, 2013, Kusadasi, Turkey.. | |
| 27- “Behavior of the growing cells of Ralstonia eutropha in biodesulfurization of dibenzothiophene”, 5th Process Engineering Conference, 28-30 May, Tehran, Iran.. | |
| 28- “An airlift reactor with net draft tube for phenol biodegradation using Ralstonia eutropha” 15th Iranian National Congress of Chemical Engineering (15th ICHEC), 17-19 Feb. 2015, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.. | |
| 29- “Phenol degradation in a single chamber microbial electrolysis cell” 15th Iranian National Congress of Chemical Engineering (15th ICHEC), 17-19 Feb. 2015, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.. | |
| 30- “Removal of cadmium(II) ions from aqueous solution using Luffa cylindrica” 1st Symposium of Environment, Enregy and Clean Industry, 2-3 Dec. 2013, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran. | |
| 31- Use of Haldane equation for naphthalene degradation by Ralstonia eutropha, 3rd National Conference of Fuel, Energy & Environment (NCFEE 2013), 17-18 Sep. 2013, Tehran, Iran.. | |
| 32- Use of Haldane equation for naphthalene degradation by Ralstonia eutropha, 3rd International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation- ICEPR, July 15-17, 2013, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.. | |
| 33- Use of Statistically-Based Design of Experiment to Study Olive-Oil Mill Wastewater Biodegradation by RalstoniaEutropha, 4th International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applications-CCEA 2013, October 12-13, 2013, Paris, France.. | |
| 34- Biodegradation of olive oil mill wastewater by Ralstoniaeutropha, 4thFEMS (Federation of European Microbiologists Society) Congress, June 2011, Geneva, Switzerland. | |
| 35- Biodegradation of olive oil mill wastewater by Ralstonia eutropha PTCC 1615, First International Conference on "Advances in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse", Summer 2009, Tehran, Iran.. |
| | |  کتاب های چاپ شده (18) |
| |
| 1-Elham Jalilnejad, Mehran Alizadeh, Bahman Jabbari, , "Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes: Ion-exchange membranes in microbial fuel cell systems ,Elsevier, 2024. | |
| 2-Elham Jalilnejad, Bahman Jabbari, Kamran Ghasemzadeh, Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes: "Application of computational fluid dynamics technique in membrane bioreactor systems",Elsevier, 2022. | |
| 3- M. Sirousazar, E. Roufegari-Nejhad, E. Jalilnejad, “Hydrogels and Nanocomposite Hydrogels for Removal of Dyes and Heavy Metal Ions from Wastewaters” , Biodegradation, Pollutants and Bioremediation Principles, Taylor and Francis. . | |
| 4- R.Zeynali, K.Ghasemzadeh, E. Jalilnejad, A.Basile, “Achievements in high pressure membrane processes NF and RO for waste and water treatment”, Recent achievements in waste and water treatment, Elsevier. | |
| 5- R.Zeynali, K.Ghasemzadeh, E. Jalilnejad, A.Basile “Economic evaluation of waste and water treatment technologies”, Recent achievements in waste and water treatment, Elsevier. | |
| 6- Elham Jalilnejad, Parisa Sadeghpour, Kamran Ghasemzadeh “Achievements in membrane bioreactors for waste and water treatment”, Recent achievements in waste and water treatment, Elsevier. | |
| 7- Parisa Sadeghpour, Elham Jalilnejad, Kamran Ghasemzadeh, “Achievements in ultraviolet irradiation and in advanced oxidation technologies for waste and water treatment”, Recent achievements in waste and water treatment, Elsevier. | |
| 8- K. Ghasemzadeh , E. Jalilnejad, “A comparative evaluation of ceramic MBRs”, Ceramic Membrane Bioreactors- Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio) Membranes, Elsevier. | |
| 9- E. Jalilnejad, P. Sadeghpour, K. Ghasemzadeh, “Advances in MBR technology”, Ceramic Membrane Bioreactors- Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes, Elsevier. | |
| 10- E. Jalilnejad, K. Ghasemzadeh, S.M. Sadati “H2 production technologies from ethanol”, Ethanol- science and Engineering, 2019, Pages 307-340.. | |
| 11- E. Jalilnejad, K. Ghasemzadeh "Ethanol for food or transportation: a kind of competition”, Ethanol- science and Engineering, 2019, Pages 103-129.. | |
| 12- K. Ghasemzadeh, E. Jalilnejad, A. Basile, “Production of bioalcohol and biomethane, Bioenergy – A technology prospect forward the future”, F. Dalena, A. Basile, C. Rossi (Eds), Woodhead, Elsevier, 2017, Pages 61–86. . | |
| 13- “Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes”, A. Basile, K. Ghasemzadeh, E. Jalilnejad, Elsevier, 2019, ISBN: 9780128168226. | |
| 14- Translation of “Bioreactor Design Fundamentals”, Norton G. McDuffie, Amirkabir University Pub., M. Hajar , F. Vahabzadeh, E. Jalilnejad.. | |
| 15- “Solutions of English for Chemical Engineers”, Kian Pub, 2014, E. Jalilnejad, P. Emrani.. | |
| 16- “Solutions of English for students of Chemistry”, Kian Pub, 2014, H. Mohamad Aliha, E. Jalilnejad. | |
| 17- Translation of “NanoEnergy: Nanotechnology Applied for Energy Production”, F.L. de Souza, E. R. Leite, Amirkabir University Pub., F. Vahabzadeh, E. Jalilnejad.. | |
| 18- Translation of “Bioseperation” Belter, Published Nov. 2011, Dr. F. Zokaie, E. Jalilnejad, Kian Pub. . |
| | |  اختراع ها و امتیازهای معنوی (2) |
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| 1- A packed-bed reactor with Luffah-immobilized Ralstonia eutropha for biodegradation of phenolic compounds, Patent No. 85480. | |
| 2- Biodegradation of aromatic compounds in an airlift reactor with net draft tube, Patent No.:84868. |
| | |  دروس تدریس شده (10) |
| |
| 1- Advanced Mass Transfer Operation (MSc). | |
| 2- Advanced Thermodynamics (MSc). | |
| 3- Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II (BSc). | |
| 4- Wastewater Treatment (BSc). | |
| 5- Bioreactors Design/Applications (MSc). | |
| 6- Introduction to Biotechnology (BSc). | |
| 7- Mass Transfer Operation (BSc). | |
| 8- Fluid Dynamics II (BSc). | |
| 9- Chemical Engineerng Thermidynamics I (BSc). | |
| 10- Kinetics and Chemical Reactor Design (BSc). |
| | |  مهارت ها (4) |
| |
| 1- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). | |
| 2- Qualitek 4 Minitab Design Expert. | |
| 3- Hysys. | |
| 4- Office. |
| | |  زبان (4) |
| |
| 1- English. | |
| 2- Turkish. | |
| 3- Azari. | |
| 4- Persian. |